Counsellor training

Counsellor training in the National Vocational Qualification procedure

In order to guarantee professional execution in the National Vocational Qualification assessment and award procedure, a trained counsellor is the prerequisite for an institution to be entered in the register of providers of the National Vocational Qualification assessment and award procedure.

Training objectives are as follows:

• be familiarised with National Vocational Qualification acquisition paths with the emphasis on the National Vocational Qualification certification,

• get to know the relevance of counselling in assessment and award procedures,

• get to know the legal basis and National Vocational Qualification procedures,

• training in the applicant’s portfolio elaboration,

• training enabling the counsellor to engage in a counselling interview with the applicant,

• training in the use of registration IT system.

The training finishes with the drafting of a final paper which a future counsellor defends in an interview.

Final paper structure

1.Information on National Vocational Qualifications given to the applicant they counsel (what are National Vocational Qualifications, added value of the National Vocational Qualification for the applicant, possible acquisition methods).

2. Describing the use of an ethical guideline the counsellor uses in his/her work.

3. Searching for a vocational standard and catalogue at the National Reference Point and appending it to the final paper.

4. Elaborating the applicant’s portfolio consisting of mandatory documents as set out in the Rules on Method and Procedure for Assessment and Award of the National Vocational Qualifications (Official Gazette No. 37/2010).

Are you interested to learn about new published training dates? Visit the web site of the NRP. 

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